PEOPLE! You must check out Etha's blog - More Green Wool. Not only is she a fabulous crafter (she won an E award from me you know, that is very prestegious), but she's giving away some of the best blog candy I've seen in awhile! Maybe ever! Drumroll please....NESTABILITIES.
Yeah, you heard me. Nestabilities. Oh, I have been coveting these!! I wanted to provide a link up because you should all check out her blog & beautiful creations. But stay away from those Nesties, because they just got done telling me that they want to come to my house to play. heehee!!
{not really}
7 hours ago
2 people made my day!:
Okay, you're not that hard to find, lololol!
I just wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and for commenting. I responded there but since you're more likely to see this than that, I'll repeat it:
Okay, who the heck are you designing for that you're makin' that many cards?!? Name names.
As for your 'rents: send 'em down, I'd love to go birding with them.
Oh. And when I say "go birding," I mean "come sit by the pool, here's your frosty, tropical blender drink and oh, by the way, look up."
Gonna explore your blog now!
~Hugs, Deb
Hi Jennifer,I just rec'd your package, the blog candy I won!!! I'm so happy!!! Thank You soooo much once again!!! I will post a pic of my prize on my blog if you feel like dropping by,you're more than welcome to!!
Have a wonderful day!!!
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