This is a very easy read told in the first person; the story is emotional and unexpected. Nothing is obvious; you’re not predicting the details pages ahead as you read! Our characters grow so much – individually and as a couple, and my favorite thing is how very REAL they both are. They’ve experienced life in different ways, making their development interesting, flawed and wonderful; you’re rooting for them every step of the way. It’s incredibly easy to like Rose – she’s had her entire life turned upside down, but she’s a fighter determined to find happiness (and some justice wouldn’t hurt either!). Bex thought he was doing “the right thing” by letting Rose spread her wings, but he FINALLY comes to his senses – and gets it through his head that what’s right for her is not his choice to make! Seen through the eyes of our stubborn but big-hearted characters, their tale’s clever plot twists are great fun as Rose and Bex figure out how to achieve their Happily Ever After.