Happy Thursday! I can't wait for some nice down time this weekend! Hope everyone is having a good week.
This is a post I've been wanting to write for a week! Ever since my stamping room at this house (finally) came to be, and got unpacked and (mostly) organized, it was beyond time to go "squeeeeeeee" and share it with all of you! All that was holding me back; I've been searching all the digital archives I have here to try to find a couple of TRUE "before" pictures of the overall space so you could really see how far it has come.
Well unfortunately, I can't find any pre-move in, or even just-past-move-in but pre-digging-through-boxes-trying-to-find-a-birthday-card-to-send-or-some-stickers-for-the-kids. :( I do have a few in the middle stages, and of course the end, so this has waited long enough, so it's time to just go with what I've got!
Here we have the disaster of half opened boxes, searching for treasures here and there:
What a nightmare!!
So then after some of the other house remodel projects were done, hubs framed out the entertainment/family room (which shares a wall with my new stamping area). Then we had the entire finished portion of the basement exterior spray foam insulated, as well as the rim joists of the WHOLE house. That means we had to move Every.Single.Thing. in the basement away from the wall at least 3 feet....
As you can see, it's not quite done in these pictures. The kids' toys were moved into the family room once the carpet was put down, so that's gone. I also unpacked the last of the stamps and boxes. I'm not sure what happened to my final pictures, but if I clean up the papers I dragged out for ACTUAL CARD MAKING the other day, I can take some more where the room is at about 95% complete and organized (rather than the 80%) you see here. But for tonight, I'm posting. I guess the stamp room evolution discussion will be a 2-part post ;)
Have a great night! Thanks for dropping by!