
Friday, February 17, 2012

365 Cards - Day 354: Prickly

Hello stampers!!  It's Friday, Friday!  That means I get to share a new card with you from 365 Cards!  Today's challenge -- "Prickly".  Create a card with a texture element that is prickly - nothing smooth or soft.  Pam made me dig DEEP into the stash for this one!!

Here's my contribution, using this pretty flower from Prima, some glittery pine needles from my stash, and this sweet sentiment from Paper Pretties!  I love it when a plan comes together!  

And let's not forgot, you have UNTIL TOMORROW to apply for 365 Cards' design team call!!!  All the details are right here, so check it out!

Alright, that's what I've got for today!!!  Day 354 you guys!!  My how the time goes by.  :)  Happy stamping, don't forget to link up on the 365 Cards Blog so we can all see YOUR prickly side! 

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