
Monday, September 27, 2010

LPSC87 - Fall Color Fun!

It's MONDAY!! {Even though I forgot it was going to be Monday, so my card is late}.  What better way to start off the week than with another great challenge from the {Little Paper Shop}?!  

I do have some sad news today, Sparkle Smith, our AMAZING Guest Designer these past few months, has reached the end of her term and is leaving us.  Thank you for stamping with us Sparkle, I had such fun getting to know you more and you are just so very talented!!

For today's challenge {your uploading keyword is LPSC87}. We have a pretty Fall Fun Color Challenge for you to try out; Orange, Brown and Yellow! Who doesn't enjoy a good color challenge??  We have some color gurus here at LPS!  Here is my card using {Moments} - one of my FAVORITE sets!  

Here is the swatch:

Be sure to visit the LPS store blog and the other DT members to see all the inspiration with this week's fabulous challenge! AND, if you play along with us you'll be entered to win this week's prize from the {Little Paper Shop}!! Check out the details there this morning - you have until Sunday night to enter by linking up on this week's post on the LPS store blog and the winner will be announced there next Monday morning. Can't beat free stamps AND an excuse to use them!


  1. So so pretty! And I love it with the Max and Whiskers DP!

  2. Wow, stunning card!! Love the colors...perfect fall card! Great job on the card!

  3. Great colors for fall, love your card, it's stunning!!


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment. I hope you've been inspired today!