
Friday, September 12, 2008

Somewhere On A Desert Highway...

...she rides a Harley Davidson; her long blonde hair flyin' in the wind...

Do you LOVE this image? What a sweet ride, as my DH would say. Both stamps from Prickley Pear Rubber Stamps. The colors are Black and Only Orange {I know, I used a Bold Bright, those must be pigs flying by the window then huh?} and I colored the bike with colored pencils and gamsol. That great map-looking paper is from an old US Road Atlas that DH was going to throw away during the big move. Throw away printed PAPER?!? What?!? Suffice to say I rescued it and expect to get much use out of it before its life is truly over. I *believe* we are looking at Kansas there in the background.

Screw brads are from the LSS, can't remember the brand but lots of companies make them now. Half-inch black cirlces underneath them for contrast.

Happy weekend to everyone! No Friday Favorites this week - I haven't had any time to blurf at all - too busy stamping myself! :-) Plus, Heather and I are off to Scrap Mania tomorrow night for some much needed girl time and stamping so I've been trying to get some projects lined up to work on. Yay - I can't WAIT!


  1. I love your card. The map and hardware are a good touch.

  2. Jennifer, that is such a fun card! I'm gonna put that stamp on my list so I can make some things for my sister and BIL...both are into bikes. heh

  3. Time for an image swap! It's a cute card.

  4. Awesome card!!! You did an incredible job on the coloring. Love the pattern paper used and the embellishments. Beautifully done!

  5. This is awesome, I absolutely love it!!! I love the screw brads and the rescued map paper - just great!!!!

  6. awsome card! I think macho cards are so hard to make, but you gave great inspiration with this!
    Thank you!

  7. Great card!!! Love the papers too!Love the brads!!

  8. This is such a great stamp! Awesome card!

  9. This is awesome Jen!! Love those brads and "map" BG!! :) Hope you had an awesome "girl" time!!


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment. I hope you've been inspired today!