
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Metal Tag Pumpkin - CBC35

Wednesday again! Sorry I'm late, we had a hectic morning. Time for the Belli Challenge. If you're not familiar with the challenge, belli is short for embellishment - each week our challenge founder, Chris, chooses an embellishment for us to showcase. This week it is Metal Edge Tags. Feel free to play along, and remember, if you upload to SCS, use the keyword "CBC35".

This card uses another of my NEW fall stamps from Prickley Pear Rubber Stamps. Nicole is AMAZING - I love this pumpkin! Here is the full sheet if you're interested in checking it out - Fall & Winter 2008 Half Sheet.

{ETA - I reshot the picture, it is *much* better!!} The colors are Garden Green, Pumpkin Pie and black Sugar-Coated cardstock from Doodlebug. I stamped the image on the paper with Palette Noir, then onto the brass metal edge tag with black StazOn. I colored in the pumpkin with Koh-i-nor pencils and gamsol, and cut it out, then put it back over the StazOn layer. Lots of dimensionals here! I cut out and popped up the pumkin, then the tag, then the whole layer. I love dimensionals ~ can you tell? I added some green accents to the tag with a Copic marker. White satin and A*Muse organdy ribbon layered together to finish it off!

Check out the blogs of the other Belli Challenge Girls this week for more great metal tag ideas! Rochelle, Holly, Shelly, Chris, Christi, and Ceal!


  1. Jennifer! Have no fear I was late too! This is a beautiful card! Love the colors, lay out and use of your Tag! Thanks for playing in the Belli Challenge!

  2. Awesome! At first when I was looking at the picture I was wondering where you got the see through metal tags. Then my brain kicked in and realized that you stamped on the tag. LOL It looks real cool like that. I like how you cut the pumpkin out and added it with the dimensionals. I love the texture it provides. Looks awesome.

  3. This is gorgeous!!! I just bought a pumpkin stamp and now I'm just itching to ink it up! :)

  4. What a really wonderful, pretty, and creative way to use a tag. Love your card!

  5. stunning card love the image,huggs jo x

  6. What a wonderful card, love the pumpkin.

  7. This is an awesome card!!! Love the did an incredible job on it!! Love the metal edge adds so much to the overall look!

  8. so pretty Jen... you are so talented!

  9. Beautiful job, I love this technique and haven't done it in a long time. Thanks for the reminder of it.
    Angel hugs

  10. I love this you did a wonderful job!

  11. what a beautiful card - love how you stamped the pumpkin (double)!! very nice!!

  12. Oh gosh! This is just beautiful!

  13. Great card! Love how you stamped the tag.

  14. WOW - great card! Love how the image is coming out of the tag!

  15. NEATO! I'd totally mess that up if I tried it. heh


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment. I hope you've been inspired today!