
Monday, March 3, 2008

Sketch Challenge Birthday Frog

Here's one of the cards I made at Scrap Mania on Saturday night. Actually - I *started* it Saturday night with a different layout, but on Sunday morning when I went to finish it up I saw that Lauren had her weekly sketch up - and I loved it! So I switched some things around, and viola! This card uses Lauren's Saturday Sketch from March 2nd and my So Hoppy Together stamp set from Firecracker Designs by Pamela's new spring release. These stamps are available now - in fact they just came out on Saturday!

I used my Iron Eagle punch from EK Success to do the border - just pop the guard off and punch punch punch! (Lauren used scallops on the sketch, but I had this piece punched already so I thought I'd try it here). The shiny purple piece is from the DCWV Glitter Mat Pack (thanks Heather!!). I stamped the frog in Palette Noir on GP 110# white and colored her in with Prismacolor Pencils and Gamsol. I added glue from my Quickie Glue Pen to her shirt and dumped on some "Snow" glitter to give her a fuzzy sweater. The circles were made with Marvy punches.


  1. What a neat border! I love your card, and your banner! You know me and my glitter! LOL!
    This came out great. Im SO happy you were able to try the sketch and took the time to share it with me :D

  2. love that frog!
    I hope you have a great week!
    Vicki SBS13

  3. I love those cards - that stamp is just too darn cute!

  4. I love the fuzzy sweater. That is too cute!

    P.S.You've been tagged:

    The rules of the game:
    • Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
    • Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog, we all want to know them.
    • Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
    • Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

  5. I love that frog! Super Cute!!! :o) BTW: I love your blog banner! :) Hugs! Ash~

  6. Fabulous work - love it X


  7. Great card. Frog's super cute and I love the border and corner.


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