
Thursday, October 25, 2007

TAC Retiring List

I found out yesterday that The Angel Company (TAC) retiring list has been announced. TAC went to semi-annual catalogs this catalog year, just like Stampin' Up! did. Their Fall catty sales period will be ending at the end of the year and a lot of great sets are going with it. I can't wait to see what the new year will bring. Click HERE to view info about the retiring list.

Yes, I'm Alive...

....and still pregnant too, which is good! We are at 35 weeks today and it's been 5 days since I last had contractions (that I know of anyway). So I am to stay on the medications and bedrest through November 1st, but after that the doctors are saying that I'll be able to resume normal activity until the baby comes. Once I hit that "magic number" they won't do anything to stop the labor so baby will be able to come at any time. Of course she warned me I may still go full term, sometimes they "work so hard to stop labor, then have trouble getting it started again". NOT interested in that, let me tell ya! I covered baby's ears while we had that conversation. :)

We will see what happens, I think that we will be taking things day by day - several times when I was "off" the meds (i.e. middle of the night) the contractions started themselves up again, so it's just impossible to guess what'll happen once the pills stop. I just hate that too - lots of uncertainty but at least my mom is here and all of my fabulous neighbors and friends who helped out that first time, have offered to take DS #1 if we need a break or need a fast run to the hospital, AND have been bringing us meals a few times a week to help lighten the load around here. It's just overwhelming, I love you all!

That's the news from here. No new projects to post, sadly, but hopefully soon. I've been working on baby announcements from my bed here, and also a cute little kid's game I think you'll all love. Plus I have my October cards for FireCracker Designs to do (yes, they are WAY late but Pamela is wonderfully understanding), and I'll be doing the November cards ASAP when the set arrives so we don't have this lateness problem again. As things get finished I'll get them uploaded so you can check everything out. Update

Several people have asked me about the JYSH website being down. I've been having problems myself but wasn't sure if it was just me with my new laptop or what. But I have confirmed with Jean, the owner, that the site is down and she is hoping to have it back up by tomorrow night. So just hang in there! This is a wonderful forum site with some great and talented people around to discuss papercrafting, do challenges, trades, swaps, etc. with lots of great things being planned in the near future. If I have any more info I'll let you all know.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Another Design Team!!

Woo hoo!!!! Awhile back I applied for a spot on the first-ever design team at Just Your Scrapbooking Headquarters (JYSH). This is a brand-new forum and gallery site for all things scrapbooking, and the grand opening is today! Check it out, register to post in the forums (it is free of course) and join the fun. There is a cyber crop today as well, starting at noon with lots of prizes up for grabs. There will be daily challenges starting up soon too, and chances to win a spot as a guest design team member for the site. Lots to see! You can also check out the other fabulously talented ladies on the design team and see some of their work.

SO, that certainly brightened my day after all the scary stuff going on here with baby. We actually found out about the appointment to the DT little early too so it was an extra bonus! Be on the lookout for more projects for these DT duties as well. We will be having a featured sponser each month and projects will showcase their products. :) I just love getting new toys to play with, don't you?

Another update

Well, we are home and still pregnant! So that is good news. :) Thanks to everyone who sent notes and good wishes. They go so far in lifiting my spirits.

I have had the steroid shots and am on meds to control the contractions. Full bed rest too, which is not as much fun as it sounds like it SHOULD be. But thankfully my mom was able to drop everything and come to our rescue (again, as usual, etc. etc.) so we are doing fine. Doctor visit on Tuesday so we'll see what is new then.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

DS#2 and Me - Update

For those who don't know, I was admitted to the hospital on Monday with per-term labor. We are now 32 weeks and 6 days today, so very early still. I have had the 2 doses of steroid shots they give to develop the lungs and we are in a waiting game. So I have some limited email now thanks to a dialup laptop the hospital gave me and if/when I know more I will keep people posted. But if you've been looking to reach me and can't, that'd be why. Please keep good thoughts for us!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

More Scrapbook Pages!

Oh my, busy busy busy with scrap pages! How exciting for me! Here is another 2-page spread in 12x12 pages - this time it was of our trip(s) to Schuster's Playtime Farm. It's a pumpkin patch, petting zoo, corn maze, etc. place that's lots of fun for the kids. We went at least 4 or 5 times last year and plan to go at least a couple this year. We love it there and it's an easy trip.
Here is the left-side layout. I did the title bar on the computer - I found the BEST fonts at Font Finder, the pumpkins were created by Kat's Fun Fonts and every font by that author ROCKS! The patterned paper is from American Crafts, all the cardstock is Stampin' Up!. Stamp credits are Stampin' Up! for the leaves on the metal edge tag, Studio G. dollar stamp for the "hey pumpkin", and Autumn Leaves for the swirl on the bottom. I wrote the October 2006 in chocolate chip marker. I plan to write a little quick story/journaling on the olive piece below the title bar but I didn't get there yet.

As you can see, we didn't get great photos but I did try. Can you tell that darling son was 2 years old here - he would not cooperate for ANYTHING!

Here's the right-hand layout. Lots of activities at this place! Again, I did the title on the computer. Prima maple leaves and SU buttons. The pumpkins are made from SU's oval punches and cardstock. I made the journal piece using a Starving Artist stamp - it's in the postage category but I liked the dots with this layout. The "a-n-d" letters come from Purple Onion Designs LizzieBelle alphabet.

Notice Mommy is not in any pictures?!? LOL. I had a good one of DS and me but it didn't fit into the layout so I'll have to find another use for it.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Scrapbook Pages

So I am finally getting back to work on scrapbook pages! Can we believe it?! I did this 2-page layout of our honeymoon trip to Italy. This is going to be the start of the book, it shows the best pictures of the two of us with some of the most notable sights to see. We didn't get a ton of photo ops with both of us together - you have to be really careful who you give your camera to - so I thought that would be a great way to start the memories.
Here's the left side of the layout, I did the title on the computer. The colors for this layout are a dark brown and a very light blue. The patterned paper is from Hobby Lobby, the cardstock is Stampin' Up White, Soft Sky and Chocolate Chip. For those who are interested, the top pic is looking down on the Roman Forum (DH was just fascinated with this area - if/when we go back he wants to spend more time here, there is so much to see). The second one is taken in Siena. Oh we just *loved* Siena!!

On the right the second page of the layout. I stamped on some window sheets and laid them over the photos to give a little extra to them. Unfortunately that makes them very hard to photograph a second time and they look all yellow. Bleah. But you get the point of the layout and rest assured the photos don't look THAT bad in person! I used White and Timber Brown StazOn ink for the overlays. The first photo has white swirls from Rhona Farrar/Autumn Leaves, the second is the word "Roma" using the LizzieBelle Alphabet set from Purple Onion Designs, and the last one has the word Journey from the "Cool Dude" set at FireCracker Designs by Pamela. The tags inside the little envelopes pull out for journaling. The photos are (top to bottom) the Spanish Steps, the Coliseum in Rome, and Pisa.